As part of the new year, I will be moving toward modifying my development workflow. I have had an iPad Pro sitting around for the last year, and I only recently got a keyboard for it. Though the iPad itself doesn’t have a great native experience when it comes to coding professionally, I’m taking this opportunity to set up a more “leet” development environment based around tmux and vim.

Jannis Hermanns has a great blog post on how to set up a tmux dev environment with an iPad, so I’ll probably use that as my template. Nick Nisi also has a great talk on using tmux and vim for work, so I will use that (along with his dotfiles repo) as a jumping off point.

Part of this blog will be dedicated to chronicling my path toward CLI enlightenment, at least initially. Moving forward I hope to go into some of my more Maker-like hobbies, including embedded development with Rust. I work in the healthcare space, where securing data is an upmost priority. Rust and its inherit speed + memory safety features work well in the healthcare space, where there is a lot of opportunity for embedded applications and tools.

Professionally and historically, I have been a C# on Windows developer. Visual Studio has been my first and last stop for coding. But I have always had a passion for working with Linux - most of my home machines run some Linux or FreeBSD derivative. With the advent of .NET Core, it will be easier to merge my professional and hobby experiences. I look forward to embracing the joys of automation and lazy-ifying my workflows.

The starting place for all this will be dockerizing my remote development environment (including dotfiles), which I will be coding against this public repository:

More to come soon!